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- /* *********************************************************************************
- MODULE: CheckEmail Module
- DESCRIPTION: This CheckEmail Module is a simple module for MUBBS, the
- Multi-User Bulliten Board System Software.
- AUTHOR: Noam Freedman
- Copyright © 1990 by Noam Freedman. Portions are also Copyright Symantec Corp.
- This program source code and it's compiled version IS NOT IN THE
- PUBLIC DOMAIN ! Please read the "COPYRIGHT NOTICE / NMF" file for details
- regarding use of this program source code and it's compiled version.
- Revision History:
- ============================================================
- 10/20/91 - Started programming
- 11/ 4/91 - Edited for release
- ============================================================
- ******************************************************************************** */
- #define INMAIN
- #include "MUBBS Module.h"
- #include "Email.h"
- #include <SetUpA4.h>
- pascal void main (mode1,G1,P1)
- int mode1;
- struct GS *G1;
- Ptr P1;
- {
- Handle temph;
- float version = 0.5; /* what version of MUBBS you are compatable with IE: .5 and above */
- RememberA0(); SetUpA4(); /* This sets up the A4 register to access our globals */
- asm { _RecoverHandle }; asm {move.l a0,temph}; HLock(temph); /* locks our module, do this ! */
- G=G1; /* This MUST be the first thing you do in main only, it sets up the struct globals */
- mode[u]=mode1; /* set up our mode so that you can read it anywhere */
- switch (mode[u]) { /* any un-handled modes return error from this module */
- case 3:
- findemail(P1); /* mode 3 because we are passing a user pointer */
- G->moduleresult=0;
- break;
- case 98:
- versionck(version); /* just return after this call, don't modify anything */
- break;
- case 0:
- strcpy (G->programmer,"Noam Freedman"); /* show the programmer's name up to 20 chars*/
- G->moduleresult=0; /* this was also a init call if we need close call put 99 here */
- break;
- default:
- G->moduleresult=1; /* return bad code */
- };
- HUnlock(temph); /* unlocks this module, do this ! */
- RestoreA4(); /* call this when you are all done */
- }
- findemail(S)
- struct LoadStruct *S;
- {
- char pad[100]; /* this is a fix for a problem */
- struct MsgStruct MsgInfo;
- int a, num, numemail, count;
- FILE *fp_headers;
- long int temp;
- char tempc[maxnamelength];
- if (!G->online[u]) { num = 2;goto byebye; } /* do this check so we can log out if hang up */
- if ( (fp_headers = fopen(":msgs:email.headers","r")) == NULL )
- {
- send("]Can't open the file: %s]]",":msgs:email.headers");
- num = 3;
- }
- else
- {
- count=0;
- a = 0;
- num = 0;
- numemail=0;
- while (a == 0)
- {
- temp = ftell(fp_headers);
- fread( MsgInfo.FromUser, sizeof(MsgInfo),1,fp_headers);
- if (feof(fp_headers) == 0)
- {
- if ( numemail < MAXEMAIL )
- {
- strtoupper(MsgInfo.ToUser);
- strcpy(tempc,G->username[u]); /* check the name uppercased! */
- strtoupper(tempc);
- if (strcmp(MsgInfo.ToUser,tempc) == 0)
- if (MsgInfo.status != DELETED )
- {
- numemail = numemail+1;
- S->i_headers[numemail] = temp;
- strcpy( S->FromUser[numemail] , MsgInfo.FromUser );
- strcpy( S->title[numemail] , MsgInfo.title );
- S->status[numemail] = MsgInfo.status;
- strcpy( S->NetAddress[numemail] , MsgInfo.NetAddress);
- S->offset[numemail] = MsgInfo.offset;
- S->length[numemail] = MsgInfo.length;
- strcpy( S->DateSent[numemail] , MsgInfo.DateSent);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- a = 1; /* More than MAXEMAIL msgs */
- num = 20;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- a = 1; /* ran into EOF */
- num = 0;
- }
- if ((++count % 10) == 0) {sendnc (".");} /* show dots */
- }
- fclose(fp_headers); /* close that file ! */
- }
- if(numemail <1 && num == 0)
- {
- num = 21; /* No email found */
- }
- S->numemail = numemail;
- byebye:
- S->result = num;
- return;
- }